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What is Spanish Immersion?

Spanish Immersion programs integrate Spanish into everyday curriculum. No prior exposure to Spanish is necessary. It is designed for English-speaking and Spanish-speaking students to develop communication and literacy skills in both languages. The earlier children are introduced to a language, the greater the likelihood they will become truly proficient in it. Children’s brains are naturally programmed to learn any language they are sufficiently exposed to perfectly and without accents. This ability declines with age, disappearing by high school, according to research. Determining exactly how the program should be structured depends, in part, upon the percentage of students from each language group. Schools with half Spanish speakers and half English speakers can implement two-way immersion. If the student body is predominantly English-speaking, one-way immersion is the best model.


Content and literacy instruction in English and Spanish is provided to all students to achieve the following goals:

  • Communicative and academic second Language Proficiency
  • Primary Language Proficiency
  • Academic Achievement
  • Appreciation for Diversity


Instrucción en Inglés y Español se ofrece a todos los estudiantes para lograr los siguientes objetivos:

  • Dominio académico y comunicativo en un segundo idioma
  • Dominio del idioma primario
  • Logro académico
  • Reconocimiento de la diversidad




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