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Mandarin Immersion Program




In September 2010, Broadway launched a Mandarin and English Dual-Language Immersion Program with two full classes of Kindergarten students. LAUSD Principal, Susan Wang, and a group of interested parents had been working together since the Fall of 2009 to make this happen. The program quickly became so overwhelmingly popular that the program expanded to four Kindergarten Mandarin Immersion classes for the 2011-12 school year.


2010年九月起,百老匯小學開始進行中英雙語浸沉式課程,共有幼稚園兩班的學生參與。此課程得以進行有賴於LAUSD的校長Susan Wang與一群熱心的家長共同努力。由於此一課程相當受歡迎,2011-2012學年度中施行的班級增加到四班幼稚園學生。


The immersion program is designed so that students achieve academic proficiency in both English and Mandarin and become bilingual, bicultural and biliterate.




To facilitate that students become bilingual, bicultural, and biliterate, the program offers:

  • Language fluency in both English and Mandarin
  • Rigorous academic instruction
  • Cultural awareness and appreciation
  • Nurturing, supportive learning environment

Broadway’s Mandarin Immersion Program implements the 50/50 model. The instruction is 50% in English and 50% in Mandarin. Each classroom consists of students who are fluent in either Mandarin or English and they serve as each other’s language models.

LAUSD is working to establish pipelines in the West Los Angeles area to offer students graduating from Broadway’s Mandarin Immersion Program the opportunity to attend a local middle school with a dual language program to further their study in Mandarin. Our local senior high school, Venice High School, has a foreign languages magnet which offers Mandarin Chinese as one of its eight languages.



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