世界日報 - 北美最大華文新聞社區網站 | 記者李怡萱維尼斯報導 |
一年可以讓一所學校有多少改變? 位於維尼斯(Venice)的百老匯小學(Broadway Elementary School)在華裔校長王淑敏(Susan Wang)領導下,不但推出中英文雙語浸沉教學班,今年的學業表現指數(API)也大幅進步了107分,獲得855分,獲得洛杉磯聯合學區表揚。
Published: 10/06/2010
Transformation at Broadway Elementary School
The Argonaut | By Betsy Goldman
Susan Wang has worked in the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) for 22 years with a strong background in special education. She was Assistant Principal for six years at two different schools before coming to Broadway Elementary School three years ago. "I thought this would be a good opportunity to work with a Title I school," she says. "I´m interested in working with children who might need a little extra support and expertise and I want to devote myself to that work."
Published: 09/02/2010
(本報實習記者孫萃洛杉磯報道) 洛杉磯Broadway 小學11 日宣佈,將在2010 年9 月開始執行英文-中文雙語教學,小學內從幼稚園至6 年級學生共有 257 名,這是洛杉磯學區內第二個用英文-中文雙語教學小學。洛杉磯學區學監(LAUSD Superintendent)康亭斯(Ramon C. Cortines)表示...。
Published: 06/05/2010
Broadway Elementary School, LAUSD
大洛杉磯學區中英雙語浸沉式教學-現在開始註冊! 要報告好消息:洛杉磯聯合學區5月11日宣布,今年9月起在洛杉磯西邊 Venice 區的
Broadway Elementary School, 將是洛杉磯西邊第一所免費公立小學採用這種教學課程: Mandarin Immersion Program (中英雙語浸沉式教學)
Published: 06/04/2010
Broadway Elementary School - Welcomes Students
LAUSD Office of Communication Press Release
Los Angeles – Broadway Elementary School in Venice announced that it is launching an English-Mandarin Chinese dual-language immersion program starting in September 2010. Broadway Elementary serves 257 Kindergarten-sixth grade students. It is the second dual English-Mandarin program to be offered in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).
Published: 05/05/2010