There are two 20-minute recesses during the day; one after the morning snack and one after the lunch period.
Snack and Lunch
A 10 to 15 minute separate snack break is held in the classroom. Please provide your child with a healthy snack in their backpack every day. Our Kindergarten students have been known to eat their entire lunch at snack time, so please pack the snack SEPARATE from the lunch.
Due to Broadway’s current Title I status, all children qualify for a free lunch provided by the school. No advanced reservation is necessary. TAs and parent volunteers ask each child if they plan to eat a school lunch or a packed lunch from home. If you have concerns related to your child’s lunch, please communicate with the teachers directly.
Please provide your child with a bottle of water each day. The classrooms will have bottled water and paper cups but these are used as a “back up” for children who need additional water or did not bring their own.
Washing Hands Before Eating
It is standard procedure to have the children clean their hands before snack and lunchtime. There will either be a hand-washing time, or teachers will give each child a squirt of hand sanitizer before snack and lunch times to make sure all hands are cleaned. Teachers/Volunteers will administer the hand sanitizer themselves to make sure it is used safely. NOTE: Hand sanitizers, lip balms, lotions, etc. should not be sent to school with your child in their backpack.
Restroom Breaks
Teachers implement regular restroom breaks in the daily routine so that children have ample opportunities to use the restroom. In addition, children in the Mandarin class will initially be taught a simple hand signal to communicate their need to use the restroom.
Extra Clothing
It is recommended that you send a lightweight jacket or sweater with your child, even on hot days, as it can be chilly in the classrooms. Please LABEL EVERYTHING clearly with your child’s name.
Please provide your child with a backpack large enough to hold their snack, lunch, water bottle, homework folder and a lightweight jacket or sweater. At times, children lose their jacket or sweater because there isn’t enough room in their backpacks.