All donations to Broadway Elementary School are entirely voluntary and may be made anonymously. Throughout the year there are several opportunities to financially support the school.
School-Wide Opportunities
Friends of Broadway Annual Fundraising Drive: The Friends of Broadway has an annual fund drive each fall. This request for a monetary donation is 100% tax-deductible. Contribution amounts are strictly confidential and are never disclosed. Matching funds are gladly accepted. Please contact Friends of Broadway with questions. Our goal is 100% participation in the annual fund.
Online Auction and Spring Festival: Another great way to support Broadway is to participate in the Online Auction by donating and bidding on items.
Other Donations: For all other donations to Broadway Elementary School, please contact the appropriate Friends of Broadway committee chairperson or the Principal.
Classroom Opportunities
Classroom Funds: A voluntary classroom fund may be collected by Room Parents in an effort to alleviate the financial demands teachers face in their classrooms. These funds are used to fund additional class supplies, art projects, cultural events, and other unforeseen needs.
Wish List: Your child’s teacher may post a “Wish List” of items for the classroom. Interested families may purchase any of the items listed and give them directly to the teacher.
Gifts for Teachers: All holiday and end of the year gifts for classroom teachers are voluntary. No parent or family is required to contribute toward a class teacher gift. Gifts must list all students’ names, whether or not money was collected from each family, so that no child or family is singled out for not having donated. Gift collection information is to be kept strictly confidential.
Additional Opportunities
For additional opportunities to support Broadway, please visit the “Support our School” page.